The team at Right Proportion have been working hard for the past few months; from initial concept to delivery, we have fully branded Italian Café and Restaurant Quattrozero. We have designed the sophisticated interior and are in the final stages of completing a shiny new website. Our brief covered the design of a full range […]Continue Reading
ArchivesCategory: Graphic Design
19JunVideo Production

Right Proportion’s video production unit is up and running, like Usane Bolt on steroids! We now have a video production page on our website with a few examples of our most recent corporate work. Some interesting things about film-making. Take a video camera to a public place and there ‘s always one person who thinks […]Continue Reading
08MarWe Love Pantone

We love Pantone. That’s [pan-tohn] not [pan-tohn-ay]. Pantone are an American company based in New Jersey. Thankfully we all know how to pronounce ‘Adobe’, and if you don’t you shouldn’t be reading a design blog, if that’s you then stop reading and follow this link. Currently there is a lot of buzz about Pantone Universe, […]Continue Reading